The Legacy Training - Education in a module format
Educators are 20+ years experience in the industry.
Most of the classes include a full professional kit with excellent value.
All classes are hands on training to learn the various skills.
All classes cover the proper hygiene protocols from Health Canada.
All classes require the student to continue practice afterwards to hone their skills and gain experience.
All classes receive a certificate either at the class completion or after the homework given.
Most classes are from 9-5 held at the Aurora Beauty studios.
To hold a seat in a class a 50% deposit is required.
The balance of a class is due the week prior to the class.
There are no refunds. If there is a emergency with a notice from the doctor then and only then the monies will be put into a future class.
The student is required to be healthy, on time and remain in the class for the duration along with providing any homework to finish the class.