
Health Canada recognises the PreEmpt Canadian line designed for the beauty industry. Make sure to have a surface cleaner and the chemo-sterilant.
You will also need containers to soak the implements. The sani-tray is the economical choice for lash tools, brow tools and some esthetic tools to be soaked. It ensures a small amount for full coverage of small tools. The plastic or glass tall jars and the s.s. tray are great for tools that are taller for example a s.s. foot file. Your solutions last for 14 days only and must be replaced. PreEmpt is biodegradable so you can safely pour down the sink. You can also use the plastic or glass jars for the combs and brushes with the Concentrate solution or Marvicide solution as a high level disinfectant soak. Do not leave longer than instructed time on label. This will erode your tools. The small soaker is perfect for scissors and razors. Make sure to use vinyl gloves when using solutions as to not get on your hands. You can scrub your implements with a small brush and wash or unscented mild soapy water. Rinse, dry and then proceed to soak the appropriate time. Then rinse, dry and make sure to bag or box your implements when clean and in between services. You can use steri-pouches for this.
Aseptic procedure - If you are setting up for a service you are required to use a liner over the table (pedi-liners), a paper towel, a sanek towel, table paper cut to size, or a towel you can launder to put your supplies on for the service. All supplies must be wiped down for each client. If you are waiting for client you must cover your setup to prevent airborne contamination. If any tool is left out you must clean before using. Any disposables are one per client or are given away. That is all wood, plastic, paper, pumice, cotton or foam items. A bed must be covered with a laundered sheet or table paper. The laundry basket must have lid or be stored in another room. The waste basket must have lid or be emptied in between each client. All surfaces must be wiped in between each client as first wipe cleans the organic material soiled then some surfaces spray second time and leave contact time wet for appropriate time on label. The complete service room must be cleaned at the end of each day.
The nitrile gloves are surgical giving you 100% protection and the client and are used for all services. Make sure they somewhat fit. If you leave the area you must sanitise the gloves again or replace them. If you go from one body part to another you must do the same. Hand sanitizer is a must in all setups. A hand washing sink must be in your room also.
The all purpose wipe can be used 1 per service as a hand, face or body wipe that is safe and disinfectant.