Foot Care Implements

Foot Care Implements
The North American School of Podology recommended implements for the advanced pedicure includes: a single or double spoon to do your cuticle cleanup, the corn probe to remove a corn, the ingrown toenail file to reduce an ingrown nail edge. flat edge ringer finger and normal nippers to do the cuticle work, large toenail clippers to trim nails, a callus remover and blades for excess callus buildup and the stainless steel foot file that is double sided and can be sterilised along with all of your implements. All foot implements must be sterilised or disposed of as the bottom of a foot is considered a mucous membrane. Gloves must be worn also.
Silkline Implements includes the callus remover with blades, toenail lifter, ingrown toenail file and toenail clippers that are used from side to side or lap joint that clips from the front of the nail. They also have a stainless steel foot paddle with replacement grits. Sterilise the foot paddle and then you need to wipe the paddle with alcohol so that the grits stick properly. We teach advanced foot care classes. Check calendar for dates.