Foot Care Sundries

Foot Care Sundries
The pedicure sundries includes: a stainless steel bowl to soak feet for a traditional pedicure. We have all purpose wipes in this section but there are lint free in the nail section. You can also use the cotton coil for removing polish, separating toes and wiping. The cardboard nail files are disposable and inexpensive but you can find cushion files in the nail section along with more selection of block buffers. Birch wood stick s are used for cleanup and cuticle work. You can find implements in the other sections. Uni toes or toe rope is also used when separating the toes for polish. Disposable slippers for walking around and colored cotton towels are best for feet. Most salons keep the feet towels separate for laundry. You can use the pedi liners in the bowls and nail table towels with a plastic side to protect the surface of table. Masks are recommended for the filing dust that comes off of the feet while using paddle. Dispensers for solutions and gloves needed for the service.
The footlogix wipe is large and lasts a complete service to offer a dry pedicure or mobile service. Hygienic, unscented and quality this wipe can be used for any service.