
Super Bond 1-2 seconds, 45% - 55% humidity, 5-6 weeks. Medium fumes.
Elite Bond 0-.5 seconds, 30%-70% humidity, 5-6 weeks. Low-Medium fumes.
Princess Bond 1 second, 30% - 75% humidity, 5-6 weeks. Low-Medium fumes.
Safety Bond 15 second, 45% - 55% humidity, 3 weeks. Low fumes.
Clear Bond 2-3 second, 45%-55% humidity, 5-6 weeks. Medium fumes.
Maximise Bond can be used with all of the bonds. It allows the glue particles to bond with each other which reduces the chance of irritation when they open their eyes. Apply 2 minutes after the lashes are done. Place 1-2 drops on a micro brush and gently wipe along the base of the eyelash extension. Then let them air dry for 3-5 minutes.
Speed Lash Accelerator allows the glue to dry within six hours after the treatment. The outside of the glue cures immediately no matter what the humidity. Apply a small amount with a micro brush along the base of the lash extensions making sure not to get it on the natural hairs. When the base comes in contact with the glue it will dry more quickly.