Facial Sundries

Facial Sundries
The traditional facial service setup requires many items with different preference. There are 2X2 gauze, wipes, cotton or pads to remove makeup, solutions or apply product with. The actual cleansing procedure can be done with white washable sponges, cellulose disposable sponges, 4X4 disposable gauze or towels. Makeup can be removed with the Satin Smooth Wipes or Oil free Makeup Remover from Refectocil as most clients are wearing lash extensions. You can use micro swabs, lip gloss applicators or q-tips to remove in more detail. Dispensers hold skin antiseptic or toners for easy access. You can apply a mask with a brush or hand along with the creams and serums. A washable headband can be used or disposable headbands or caps. The client can wear a gown and disposable slippers.