Cutting Sundries

Cutting Sundries
Cutting sundries include different spray bottles, working mats, sanek towels and equipment oil. You will also find a few scissor holsters, pouches and cases. We can get the Kasho Scissor Cases also. You will find timers, mirrors, mannequins and holders.
Concentrate is the high level disinfectant that you mix to soak your plastic combs, brushes and piks after you have scrubbed them in soapy water, rinsed and dried. Always read instruction. You can use PreEmpt Concentrate diluted in a jar. Remember only 5 minutes in the soak. Then rinse and dry for the next use. You can also mix the concentrate to spray all your surfaces in between each client. First pass is to clean the organic material from the surface. In a high traffic area, or if someone was sick you then would spray again and leave wet contact time of 5 minutes, then dry for a high level disinfectant. Any solutions mixed must be poured down the drain after 14 days of use. PreEmpt is biodegradable.