PreEmpt Concentrate

PreEmpt Concentrate


The PreEmpt Concentrate is used 3 ways. You can use to run through a pedicure chair that is piped into the water system to flush the bacteria from the pipes after each client.

You can use a dilution to soak plastics for 5 minutes for high level disinfection. You must scrub with soapy water and friction first, then rinse, then dry, then soak. Only 5 minutes. Then rinse, dry and store in a sealed drawer, bag or container.

You can also use in a spray bottle dilution to spray surfaces. The first pass is to clean the organic material from the surface. The second spray must be left wet for 5 minutes contact time to be a high level disinfectant on that surface. Any high traffic surfaces or when someone is more vulnerable or not feeling well. This must be done in between each client.

The dilution for soaking only lasts for 14 days and must be poured down the sink and replaced. These products are recognised by Health Canada and are designed for the beauty industry. Watch the expiry dates on the product.

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