E-File and Bits

E-File and Bits
A must have tool for all nail technicians. The basic starter unit is good value for a first e-file when you are only doing 3-4 sets of nails a day and getting use to an e-file. That unit is small, powerful and stainless steel. Keep chuck in hand piece when you are not using. Oil and suck dust out regularly. Never use pressure and stabilise your hand. Your speed will vary to what you are doing. The table unit is more powerful and sits on a nail desk with an optional foot pedal. This unit will keep up with 8 sets of nails a day. The smaller portable can be charged at night and then does not need to be plugged in.
Diamond bits are used on the natural nail plate for prep and cuticle work. Different shapes for different tasks. Carbide bits are more for product removal or shaping. Ceramic is also for product and works well on gel. The safety bits give a rounded end for beginners. The mandrel works with the sanding bands that are one use per client. Fine for natural nail and medium or coarse for product. Always keep the e-file moving to reduce heat. Do not use any pressure.
Scrub the bits, rinse, pat dry and sterilise with CS20 in a shot glass for 20 minutes. Rinse then store in a bit container. Old tweezers work well for retrieving the bits. We sell bit containers.